The ritual when the cemetery was raised to the bridge at Tongkonan 3rd floor
Toraja does not escape the customs and uoacar-funeral ceremony. His name is a funeral. However, the Tana Toraja community packs the ceremony into a grand grand festival, involving thousands of people, and attracting tourists. Freddy H. Istanto Lecturer of Architecture-Interior of Ciputra University Surabaya witnessed the ceremony of the Rambu Solo ceremony in Makale, South Sulawesi, early last month.
Around 12:00 pm hundreds of people gathered at the end of the village road, near the main line to Makale Town. Small children lined with bamboo poles. Dozens of big buffalo calm waiting with his bodyguards.

CULTURE ADILUHUNG: Dozens of mothers who wear traditional clothing line to welcome guests and relatives in the ceremony Rambu Solo.
They welcomed the arrival of the aristocratic corpse of Puang Jusuf Kun Massora. The mothers dressed in black and friendly greeted the guests, even non-families. My friend who accidentally dressed in black was greeted and asked to enter the welcome formation.
The T-junction became the point of transfer of the corpse brought by the vehicle to change carried by the youth. Precisely at 13:00 Wita corpse entourage begins procession to the location of the ceremony. Distance of about 1 kilometer traveled over an hour. Tongkonan-shaped device with the corpse in it looks very heavy.
Accompanied by cheerful cheer, the procession passes through the beautiful village roads dotted with lush rice fields of Tana Toraja. Entering the gate of the funeral complex, a group of dancers with modern percussion equipment greeted. Two horses danced along with the rhythm of the music, controlled by a girl dressed in custom on her back.
Admiration to see the long procession has not stopped. Passing through the gates, dozens of small Tongkonan contains about 25 families and guests fence the ceremonial complex. In the middle of a field almost as big as a football pitch stands a magnificent high-rise building of corpses.
Tongkonan made of wood and bamboo. The height is calculated until the tip of the towering roof reaches 15 meters. 1st floor for service purposes. 2nd floor to put the statue of the deceased.
The 3rd floor is a corpse. The building is decorated with luxury, some kris became part of the decoration.
The most stressful and dramatic moments were when the corpse was raised on the 3rd floor of the platform. Previously, the raised one was a cemetery. There was a tense incident when the bed was raised. The furniture is too high so it can not get into the bridge. With that tall slope plus its heavy weight, everyone grabbed their breath. Fearing his bed slumped down.
Some people swiftly picked machetes to cut some of the decorations on the bridge. After that, the process of raising the corpse is relatively more smoothly. Thousands of people witnessed the event, including foreign tourists as well as domestic and foreign media.
On the second day, the ceremony continued with the welcoming ceremony of family and relatives guests. His name, Rambu Solo. They wear interesting traditional dress. The reception and reception process begins with a buffalo or pig line which is a sign of the guests' love. Two horses danced to the rhythm of nanrancak music accompanying the group.
The event also followed the slaughter of buffalo and pigs. Reportedly, for this event there are about 80 buffalo and 400 pigs sacrificed. Not only makes you horrified, but the smell of it also makes a little nauseous. '' Well, abis this cave can not hooked eat rawon, nih, '' said one of my friends.
Although somewhat horrified, the Solo Rambu event is remarkable. Tongkonan architecture that I've learned in college once seemed more beautiful and glorious as seen in its original location. However, the magnificent traditional house reached its peak because it was becoming a great cultural event container.

Archipelago architecture, as well as tongkonan, not only tells about the physical function to serve human activity. However, it also expresses cultural meanings, becomes prestigious when capable of interacting peaks in grand events such as Rambu Solo.
Rambu Solo is a magnificent and valuable event. Prepared months in advance at enormous expense. Hundreds of families, residents, and guests were involved in the grand performance. Dozens of tongkonans in various sizes are built. A bullfighting arena with a quarter size of a ball field complete with a stand for spectators prepared.
Many major indigenous events in Indonesia, such as Rambu Solo, are individual. The performance depends on personal readiness (including financial readiness). Therefore, its implementation is difficult to determine with certainty. On the other hand, the world-wide event is worth offering as a cultural destination. The impact is not limited to economic aspects, but also on the development of national character.
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